
This module will change music type depending on the player brain exposure change. So when a player get attack or detected.

Copy this data and change red text with yours.

{ “$type”: “ThunderRoad.MusicDynamicPlayerBrainTransitionModule, ThunderRoad”, “exposureMusicGroupId”: { “$type”: “ThunderRoad.BrainMusicMapping, ThunderRoad”, “None”: “music group type ID”, “Danger”: “music group type ID”, “Alert”: “music group type ID”, “RangedCombat”: “music group type ID”, “CloseCombat”: “music group type ID”, }

Player brain exposure type :

None: No NPC near the player. Danger: NPC near the player but none of them are alert (player not detected) . Alert: At least 1 NPC is near the player is alert. RangedCombat: If not in “CloseCombat” mode, start when an NPC attack the player from range and stop when no more NPC in alert near. CloseCombat: Start when an NPC attack the player in close combat and stop when no more NPC in alert near.