

This data describes the properties of a damager component. Read more about damagers here.


Property Description
ID Unique identifier used when referencing this data from another source.
sensitiveContent Flags that remark what (if any) elements of this data contain content that is sensitive to some users.
- None
- Blood
- Burns
- Dismemberment
- Desecration
- Skeleton
- Spider
- Insect
- Snake
- Bird
- Fright
sensitiveFilterBehavior How this data should be processed if any of the above flags are forbidden by the game.
sensitiveFilterBehavior [Flags]
- Discard [This data will be skipped]
- Keep [This data will be included]
version The version of the JSON code this data is compatible with. For damager data set this to 1.
damageModifierID The ID of the Damage Modifier Data this damager uses.
tiers An ordered list of modifiers to the damager’s behavior, respective to the tier of the weapon this damager is attached to.
velocityDamageCurve Represents a curve which describes the relation between the force of an impact and the damage inflicted.
minSelfVelocity Impacts occurring when the damager object’s velocity is below this value will be ignored.
intensityMinVelocity The minimum velocity required for an impact to have an effect.
intensityMaxVelocity The maximum velocity that will be considered when calculating the intensity of an impact.
hitDelayByCollider Time in seconds before this damager can collide with the same object again.
playerMinDamage The minimum amount of damage dealt to a player on impact.
playerMaxDamage The maximum amount of damage dealt to a player on impact.
selfDamage Enables this damager be able to recieve damage from impacting the environment. Only relevant to ragdoll parts.
staticVelocityDamageCurve Represents a curve which describes the relation between the force of impact and the damage inflicted when colliding with the environment. Requires Self Damage to be enabled.
throwedMultiplier Damage dealt will be multiplied by this value if the object is in a thrown state on impact
handleDamager Determines if this damager is intended for a handle, and if so allows it to be used for the pommel strike skill.
badAngleBluntFallback When true, the material used will be taken from badAngleMaterialDamageId instead of damageModifierId.
badAngleDamage The damage dealt when an impact lands at a bad angle.
badAngleRecoilMultiplier Unused property.
badAngleMaterialDamageId When badAngleBluntFallback is true, the material from this damage modifier will be used in place of the one specified in damageModifierId.
dyingAnimationMaxVelocity If a killing blow with this damager has a velocity higher than this value, the target’s death animation will be skipped.
addForce On impact, this much force will be applied to the hit object.
addForceState The state this object must be in for addForce to apply.
addForceState [Flags]
- Flying
- Handled
- All
addForceTargetType The target must be of this type for addForce to apply.
addForceTargetType [Flags]
- Object
- Creature
- All
addForceMode The way in which force is applied to the target when addForce is applied.
addForceMode [Flags]
- Force
- Impulse
- VelocityChange
- Acceleration
addForceDuration How long in seconds addForce is applied for.
addForceRagdollPartMultiplier If the target is a ragdoll part, addForce will be multiplied by this value.
addForceRagdollOtherMultiplier If the target is a ragdoll part, force applied to adjacent parts will be multiplied by this value.
addForceSlowMoMultiplier If slow motion is active, addForce will be multiplied by this value.
addForceNormalize If enabled, the velocity of this impact will be normalized to magnitude of 1 before addForce is applied.
penetrationAllowed When true, this damager will be able to penetrate objects with the correct materials.
penetrationDeepDepthMultiplier Multiplies the deep penetration threshold by this value. A lower value will have piercing do more damage at less depth.
penetrationDamage The amount of damage dealt on penetration start.
penetrationEffect If true, the ragdoll part’s penetrationDeepEffect will play when the deep penetration threshold is reached.
penetrationInitialVelocityMultiplier When penetration occurs, the damager’s object velocity will be multiplied by this value.
penetrationSkewerDetection When enabled, checks will be done to see if any part of the damager has passed through the other side of the penetrated objects.
penetrationSkewerDamage The amount of extra damage to deal when skewering has occurred.
penetrationHeldDamperIn Dampening applied to the penetration force while the item is held.
penetrationHeldDamperOut Dampening applied when trying to withdraw a penetrated object, while it is held.
penetrationDamper Dampening applied to penetration and withdrawal when the object is not held.
penetrationShortDepth Determines the threshold before an object is too deep to be moved around.
penetrationShortDepthAngle The angle this object can still pivot in while penetrating below the short depth threshold.
penetrationAllowSlide If true, the object can still slide while penetrating. Used for penetrating slashes, allowing the blade to slice out.
penetrationSlideDamper Dampening applied when sliding the object while penetrating.
penetrationTempModifier The condition in which the temporary dampening modifier will be applied.
penetrationTempModifier [Flags]
- OnHit
- OnThrow
penetrationTempModifierDuration The time in seconds the temp modifier will apply for.
penetrationTempModifierDamperIn Dampening applied temporarily when an object is penetrating.
penetrationTempModifierDamperOut Dampening applied temporarily when an object is withdrawing.
penetrationPressureAllowed If true, penetration can occur by resting this object against a surface and applying force.
penetrationPressureForceCurve Describes a curve which is sampled to determine if enough pressure is applied to penetrate.
penetrationPressureMaxDot How close this damager needs to be perpendicular to the surface in order for pressure-penetration to work. Where 1 is perfectly perpendicular and 0 is any angle.
dismemebermentAllowed Whether this damager should be capable of dismembering limbs.
dismembermentMinVelocity The minimum amount of force required to dismember limbs.
dismembermentNoPenetrationDuration The time in seconds before this damager can penetrate a surface again, after dismembering a limb.