Spell Touch Event Linker

If you have not done so already, go read the Event Linker’s wiki page. This page only lists and explains the events available to this linker. It will not explain how to use the component itself.


The Spell Touch Event Linker detects when a spell enters its area of effect.

For this event linker to work, a 3D collider component must first be added to the object. Events are activated when a spell enters the area defined by this collider.

The attached collider must have its Is Trigger field enabled to be used by this event linker.

Event Fields

Field Description
Spell ID If the detected spell does not match this ID, it will be ignored.
Step This event will only listen to spells (entering/exiting) the area.
Min Charge The event will ignore spells with a charge lower than this value (0 -> 1)