Creature Spawner

Creature Spawner, or CreatureTable Spawner is a script used to spawn creatures within a level.

Note: With an Event, Spawn() can be used to spawn the creature on demand.



Field Description
Creature Table ID Reference the Creature Table ID (CreatureTable JSONS)
Pooled Spawns the creature from the Creature Pool. Recommended for optimisation, using the pool generated at runtime.
Async Spawn Spawns creatures via Async. This spawns them immediatly, but can break the creature. If creatures spawned this way is broken, uncheck this.
Spawn on Start Spawns the creature when the level is loaded, or when this GameOject containing this script is enabled.
Block Load If Spawn on Start is enabled, it will instead delay the spawning of the creature until after the level loading has been completed.
Spawn on Nav Mesh If the creature has not spawned on an area where there is a navmesh, will move to spawn the creature on the nearest navmesh.
Ignore Room Max NPC Used for Dungeon. Ignores Room Max NPC limit per room, and spawns the creature anyway.
Spawn at Random Waypoint Spawns NPC at a random WayPoint on the map.
Waypoints Root Allows you to select what WayPoint the NPC spawns on.


Unity Event Documentation

Field Description
On Start Plays Event when the creature has Spawned/Creature Spawner has started.
On Kill Plays Event when the creature is killed
On Despawn Plays Event when the creature has despawned