Creature Spawner
Creature Spawner, or CreatureTable Spawner is a script used to spawn creatures within a level.
Note: With an Event, Spawn() can be used to spawn the creature on demand.
Field | Description |
Creature Table ID | Reference the Creature Table ID (CreatureTable JSONS) |
Pooled | Spawns the creature from the Creature Pool. Recommended for optimisation, using the pool generated at runtime. |
Async Spawn | Spawns creatures via Async. This spawns them immediatly, but can break the creature. If creatures spawned this way is broken, uncheck this. |
Spawn on Start | Spawns the creature when the level is loaded, or when this GameOject containing this script is enabled. |
Block Load | If Spawn on Start is enabled, it will instead delay the spawning of the creature until after the level loading has been completed. |
Spawn on Nav Mesh | If the creature has not spawned on an area where there is a navmesh, will move to spawn the creature on the nearest navmesh. |
Ignore Room Max NPC | Used for Dungeon. Ignores Room Max NPC limit per room, and spawns the creature anyway. |
Spawn at Random Waypoint | Spawns NPC at a random WayPoint on the map. |
Waypoints Root | Allows you to select what WayPoint the NPC spawns on. |
Field | Description |
On Start | Plays Event when the creature has Spawned/Creature Spawner has started. |
On Kill | Plays Event when the creature is killed |
On Despawn | Plays Event when the creature has despawned |