Player Control Event Linker

If you have not done so already, go read the Event Linker’s wiki page. This page only lists and explains the events available to this linker. It will not explain how to use the component itself.


Control event linkers are used to activate events when the player presses certain buttons in-game.

This event linker can be used in conjunction with other event-based components to create more complex behaviour. For example, toggling this linker using a Zone component would allow you to only listen for inputs when a player is within a certain area.


Some of the below events have variants for if they were invoked by the left or right hand. They have been combined on this wiki page to avoid confusion.

Event Description
On Jump (Press/Release) Invoked when the jump button is pressed/released. 1
On Kick (Press/Release) Invoked when the kick button is pressed/released.
On Use (Press/Release) Invoked when the spell-cast button is pressed/released.
On Grip (Press/Release) Invoked when the grab-object button is pressed/released.
On Alternate-Use (Press/Release) Invoked when the alternate-use button is pressed/released. 2

  1. On Jump is also triggered when jumping by pushing the thumbstick up. 

  2. Alternate-Use refers to the button for opening the spell wheel, however this input varies platform to platform.