Play an effect on player killing an NPC when no NPC are alert (player stealth).
Effect should have audio module. You can add a dynamyc music type for the effect play on next beat (so it’s according to the music rythm).
Copy this data and change red text with yours.
{ “$type”: “ThunderRoad.MusicStingerFurtifKillModule, ThunderRoad”, “killType”: “KillType”, “damageRatioThreshold”: ratio, “timeComboKill”: time, “stingerEffectIdList”: [ “StingerIDCombo1”,
“StingerIDCombo3” ] }
KillType : Enum to check the kill type :
mele : mele kill range : from throwing item (arrow …) indirectCause : indirect causes ( push the NPC and the fall kill him …)
damageRatioThreshold : ratio needed to triger. ratio is damage/NPC health. So 1 mean the damage cause need to be equal or higher than creature max health (only one shot would trigger).
timeComboKill : time to reset combo. each time triger play stingerEffect [comboIndex] then increment combo index. if no triger in timeComboKill index return to 0.
stingerEffectIdList : List of Effect to play.