Holder Event Linker

If you have not done so already, go read the Event Linker’s wiki page. This page only lists and explains the events available to this linker. It will not explain how to use the component itself.


The Holder Event Linker listens for events emitted from a specific Holder component.


For sheaths, holsters, and rack holders, you’ll likely only be using On Snap Full or On Unsnap Empty.
Quiver holders are the only holders where you may be able to utilize OnSnap and On Unsnap.

Event Description
On Snap Triggers the event when an item is added to the holder (But only if the holder is not filled!)
On Snap Full Triggers the event when an item is added to the holder and fills it entirely
On Unsnap Triggers when any item is removed from the holder (But only if the holder is not empty!)
On Unsnap Empty Triggers when an item is removed and leaves the holder with no items remaining in it