
This component inherits from Interactable.
This component has an Event Linker.


The holder component allows you to create a slot for items to be placed in.

The behaviour of holders are determined by the Interactable Data linked by the Interactable ID property.
Holders can be used to create quivers, weapon racks and weapon holsters on creatures.

Holder slots have a visual indicator for how held items will be oriented. This orientation is relative to the holder point rather than the item itself.
The Z axis (blue arrow) of the holder point will align with the purple arrow on the gizmo, while the Y axis (green arrow) will align with the green arrow.


  1. Create an empty object.
  2. Select Add Component in the inspector and add the Holder component.

Component Properties

Field Description
Draw Slot The position of this holder, assuming it has been placed on a creature.
Use Anchor If true, this holder will only align items to the first slot.
Slots A list of physical positions that held items will appear in.
Start Objects A list of items this holder will start with. These items must already exist in the scene.
Ignored Colliders Items placed in this holder will not have physics interactions with any colliders in this list.
Editor Target Anchor This value is used to define the target anchor in editor only. This value will not be used ingame.
Linked Container A Container that the contents of this holder will be saved and loaded from.