Item Magnet

The Item Magnet script moves an item to its center point. The item can be released/pulled out of this area, and you can filter what type of items can be dragged to this area.

This script requires a collider before the script is added. This zone depicts the “magnetic” area.



Field Description
Tag Filter The filter of which is either “Any Except” or “None Except” when referring to the slots.
Slots Define the item “slots” which can be affected by the magnet. See Below.
Kinematic Lock When ticked, the item is locked in to a kinematic state and cannot be moved/removed.
Release on Grab or TK Only When enabled, the magnetized item can only be removed with grab or telekinesis.
Enabled Collission With Joint Rigidbody When ticked, it enables the collission with the joint rigidbody.
Catched Item Ignore Gravity Push When enabled, the magnetized item cannot be removed from the magnet via a Gravity push.
Auto Ungrab When the item is magnetized, the item ungrabs from your hand.
Magnet Reactivate Duration on Release When the magnetized item is released, it’s duration is reactivated.
Gravity Multiplier Defines the gravity multiplier of the item when it is held by the magnet.
Mass Multiplier Multiplies the mass of the item when magnetized by the magnet.
Sleep Threshold Ratio Defines the Sleep Threshold when held by the magnet (when the item is classified as “asleep”)
Max Count Maximum amount of items that can be held by the magnet at one time
Progressive Force Radius The radius of the force movement between the item and the magnet center
Stabilized Max Distance The max distance between the center of the magnet before the item is stabilized.
Stabilised Max Angle The maximum angle of the item when it is stabilized
Stabilized Max Up Angle The maximum “up angle” of the item when it is stabilized
Stabilized Max Velocity The maximum velocity of the item before it is stabilized.
Position Spring The spring of the item when it is stabilized in the magnetized zone.
Position Damper The damper of the item when stabilized in the magnetized zone.
Position Max Force The maximum force of the item when stabilized in the magnetized zone.
Rotation Spring The spring rotation of the item when stabilized in the magnetized zone
Rotation Damper The damper of the item when stabilized in the magnetized zone.
Rotation Max Force The force of the rotation when stabilized in the magnetized zone.


Unity Event Documentation

Event Description
On Item Catched Event plays when the item is caught by the magnetized zone.
On item Released Event plays when the item is released from the magnetized zone.
On Item Stabilization Event plays when the item is Stabilized.


For this item magnet to pull the correct items, you must reference the slots that are/are not magnetized. Below are listed slots that are vanilla to Blade and Sorcery:

- Small (Small items, daggers, etc)
- Medium (Medium sized items, swords, axes)
- Large (Large items, greatswords, spears)
- Potion
- Head (Head slot, Baron's Hat)
- Shield 
- ShieldSmall (small shield, buckler)
- Bow
- Quiver
- Arrow
- Throwables (throwing items, throwing daggers, rocks)
- Bolt (Unused)
- Cork (Potion Cork)
- Torch
- SkillTreeReceptacle (Skill Crystals)
- InventoryBag
- Gigantic (Giant Statue sword)