Imbue Event Linker

If you have not done so already, go read the Event Linker’s wiki page. This page only lists and explains the events available to this linker. It will not explain how to use the component itself.


The Imbue Event Linker listens for a number of imbuement-related events emitted from a specific collider group.

This linker can be combined with the Spell Touch Event Linker to only listen for imbuement events from a particular spell. This is done by toggling the listening state of this linker when a specific spell enters the area of effect.


Event Description
On Empty Invoked when the imbue fully runs out on the collider group.
On New Spell Invoked when the collider group is empty and begins to be imbued.
On Fill Invoked when the imbue reaches its max energy.
On Try Use Invoked when the player attempts to (but cannot) “fire” a crystal type collider group.
On Use Ability Invoked when the player successfully “fires” a crystal type collider group.
On Hit Invoked when the imbue hits something but has no effect on it.
On Hit Effect Invoked when the imbue hits something and has an effect on it ( Such as anti-gravity, or a staff slam).